Monday, October 25, 2004

Gong Kia's top ten list 3

On today's top ten list, we are going to list 'The Top Ten reasons why guys like NS'

10) So that we can impress our gals by saying 'I know how to drive that Bionix ok!'

9) And we can impress our gals AGAIN by saying 'I officer ok!'(ya... occifer more like it...)

8) Who can get more free air tickets to countries like Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, France, Taiwan, Thailand?

7) So we can say 'Aiya.... you've never been through army, you dunno one la....'

6) We get to learn new jargons like 'BoBo King', 'Horlan', 'Sign Extra' and the classic 'Gap Gap Gap!'

5) We all know the pyrotechnics in movies are fake. (you believe 1 grenade can blow up one whole building meh?)

4) And we also KNOW the SAF advertisements are all FAKE! Or more appropriately, XIAN XIAO one!

3) We can also hao liao how we can run the 2.4 below 10 and do over 20 chin ups.

2) We learn about office politics and how to see who's your real friends.

And on today's top ten list of 'Why Guys like NS'
1) You get to make a lot of good friendships and brotherhood that you know will last forever!