Sunday, October 24, 2004

A routine morning?

Sunday.... 24th of October. well, i thought its gonna be just another day, another morning to boot. exams are near, there's no difference in which day it is in the week anymore. i suppose that's the general concensus. kinda reminds me of trench digging, where there is no difference between day and night. so today, the first moment my eyes decided that it's time to open up, my bedside clock told me the same story. 645am. that's 1 thing i hate, no matter i sleep at 12 or at 4, i always wake up at 645am. the usual stuff, so i decided to pull up my blanket and carry on my mini hibernation, *zzz* until 745am. the sun is up, its a glorious day! pulled myself off the bed and proceed to brush my teeth... and i saw the dark rings beneath the windows to my soul. wooo.... how i lack quality sleep. yea....... i swallowed 4 mouthful of water and began my morning exercise routine. its always good to end it 40 minutes later, with blood flowing all over inside and perspiration on the outside. had a little rest before i went to take a bath. nice and soothing.... oooooo..... wonder if it feels better then sex. before i can come to a conclusion, my tummy growled - breakfast time. here comes the interesting part(as far as i'm concern), i decided that the plain bread and some custard bun is not really the ideal situation for such a beautiful morning, i looked for fresher options. 4 eggs in the basket, stack of cheese in the fridge, unopened luncheon meat. pepper... soy sauce... unfortunately no sesame seed oil(or shd i say i didnt notice where it was), i decided to cook my own breakfast. oh........ when's the last time i did it.... 6 months ago? so out comes the margarine and the pan. 'fire in a hole!' as i lit up the stove. the sound of sizzling margarine on the hot pot..... ooooooo..... lovely..... beat up the eggs, with a pinch of pepper and soy sauce. and diced the luncheon meat i did. first to go in, the small cubes of luncheon meat. *even louder sizzles* i twirlled my spatula aka the cook in oliver's twist(the tv cooking show, not the book). the popping of small bits of meat add to the noise i'm creating. 2 mins, off they go onto another plate. next is the eggs. here's where all my mistakes comes in. 4 eggs are just too much for my pan... but nonetheless i whack them all in. put into small fire in case they overcook. well.... a mistake is a mistake, but in cooking, it can be another beginning of a nice dish. too bad in this case it wasn't. i like my eggs harder on the outside, and a lil smooshy on the inside. this time can't do it, i have to add the cheese in. and another grave mistake, i tried to flipped the egg. it was way too big, so only half got flipped. messed up the shape. so i decided to flip it back, by now in which there are holes and a crumpy edge. *frowns* obviously i haven't been cooking for a long time. anyway, i laid the cheese bit by bit onto the egg, waited for it to melt before i pour in the rest of the cooked luncheon meat on top. too much meat, wasn't really the result i wanna see. was hoping more of a pizza look, now its..... errr.... just luncheon meat on egg. well... its done... simple fare. time for the taste test.... it wasn't that bad, but the taste didn't mix in well. and the meat did not stick to the egg as well as i hope it would(too much of it). but its ok in taste generally but looks horrible. and i hate it when the meat just rolls off my egg when i attempt to cut them into smaller pieces. so u wanna to cook well, u must practice. but i think i know what i should do. next time, 2 eggs, 1/5 of a can of luncheon meat, 2 slices of cheese, plus some mushroom. should be better the next time. well, so i rounded it off with some cherry tomatoes(actually can throw it in as well, can add to more juicy feel). drown everything down with a cup of cooling herbal tea. mmmmm..... satisfied...... ooooooooooo..... better then sex? ha...
but i'm sure ready for my 426 now!