Tuesday, December 21, 2004

The notion of fairness

How many times in Life have you heard someone say the 'Life is not fair'? Or maybe we can also put it this way: How many times have you said that in Life? Maybe so often that one may have forgotten.

To me, Life can't be fairer than anything else. My justification?

Can we compare the Intangibles and Tangibles?

As far as how it affects your mind and soul, to me, it is a Yes.

But of all the Tangibles and Intangibles that we all possess, which are the ones that make you happy and which ones are the ones that make you sad? Usually, the ones that do are always in the minority. Then what about the rest?

It lies in the state of Neutrality.

The ones that are inconsequential… the ones that do not affect your mind and soul. And yet, to some people, these may the exact ones that they desire. And from their point of view, they may feel that Life is unfair. And the same may be felt by you to that person.

So, two people looking at each other, feeling that Life is unfair. But in actual fact, it can’t be fairer, it is just that, one may not feel so. Because they have the 101 attributes and possessions that are inconsequential to how they feel and live. But they have it… that’s the key point.

And vice versa, when two people see each other and feel that Life is so fair… same concept.

Maybe one day, we shall we look deep inside and observe on the outside, and start to list out one by one the attributes and possessions. And think about how they make you happy or sad. Or feeling plain neutral about it. And there are many that only others can see…

Think about it…