Sunday, December 12, 2004


Let’s look at a few parts of a conversation,

'It’s not about what you say, but what you don't say. There's not an ounce of excitement, or whisper of a thrill.'

If this is happening to you, what would you do in a relationship? How would you feel if you are the person being spoken to? And will you marry such a person?

'I want you to get swept away out there; I want you to levitate... Sing with rapture and dance like a dervish... be deliriously happy'

I love this sentence. Isn't a relationship supposed to be this way? To get swept away by the person you love. To feel that you are walking on air when you are with him/her because it’s so heavenly. To feel so much happiness like an angel, sing with rapture and dance like a dervish... be deliriously happy' captures all that essence.

'Fall head over heels and find someone you can love like crazy and love you the same way back too. If you find one now, forget your head and listen to your heart. Love is passion, obsession, something you can't live without. There's no sense living your life without it.'

And how lovely it is to really find someone who you can fall head over heels and love like crazy. The matter is, whether he/she will love you back. Sometimes I follow my heart too much and in the end got hurt. And sometimes I followed my head and lose that opportunity. Life is about critical decisions, you make one wrong move and sometimes, that's it. So be sure of the decisions you make.
And love, is something part of your life, a passion, an obsession. So find the love of your life, and live life like it’s supposed to be.

'To make the journey and not fall deeply in love, you haven't live a life at all'

Simple enough and the message is clear…

‘But you have to try, if you haven’t tried, you haven’t lived’

If you haven’t tried, go try your luck and try your best. Love doesn’t fall from heaven. And you might have to fall down so many times before the right one comes along for you. When that happens, forget the head and listen to the heart. And I know sometimes we don’t do that… but try… remembering, if you haven’t tried, you haven’t lived.

‘Stay open, who knows, lightning could strike.’

Sometimes you never know if the right is one is actually by your side. Or the one at your side is actually the right one. And sometimes there are signs that it just isn’t the case, or sometimes something just doesn’t feel right. So ‘stay open, lightning may strike’ the right one may just appear in your life. Or he/she may already be somewhere near you. So look around, think again… you never know…

Who knows, Lightning may strike…